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Clearing 2024 is now open


Students who are paying their own fees (without the help of UK undergraduate student loans or organisational sponsors) are known as self-funding. Students who are in receipt of private loans or postgraduate student loans are also known as self funding.

Please note: Solent University does not currently administer advanced learner loans. Therefore, we cannot provide you with a learning and funding information letter, should you apply for a loan.

Please visit our tuition fee payments page for more information about paying your fees, or visit our discounts page to find out what discounts you may be entitled to as a self-funding student.

When do I pay?

All tuition fees are due annually, in full, prior to the commencement of a period of study.

For students on courses less than a year’s duration, payment must be paid in full prior to registration on their course.

For students on courses of at least one year’s duration, arrangements may be made for payment of the annual tuition fee in instalments, either through standard instalment plans offered during online registration or by contacting the income team.

Students must have a payment plan for any unpaid course fees with a defined method of payment in place with the University prior to registration on their course.

Failure to pay tuition fees in accordance with the student’s chosen payment option will result in the full amount of their annual fee becoming due immediately.

When do overseas and non-settled status EU students pay?

In addition to the above, under the UK's points-based immigration system, universities sponsoring students must be sure that students have sufficient funds to meet the cost of their course fees and living expenses, and those of any accompanying family members without working and without claiming state benefit. The University will require:

  • Self-funded overseas and non-settled status students from the EU are to pay 50% of their annual tuition fees before a Certificate of Acceptance for Studies (CAS) is forwarded to the applicant for visa purposes.
  • 50% of fees are due before registration on the course.
  • 50% of fees are due before work placement or exchange.

Early payment discount

Solent University offers a 3% discount for students who make full payment for their self-funded course fees prior to completing enrolment on their course.

Warsash Maritime School and short courses are excluded.

The discount will be applied to your student account in Gateway after you successfully enrol on your course.

Late payments

A student is an overdue debtor to Solent University if they:

  • Fail to pay any fees and charges by the specified due dates or fail to meet agreed payment plans.
  • Fail to return, or pay for the replacement cost of any library book, software, equipment or kit issued on loan.

Sanctions are imposed on students who fail to pay tuition fees and other related fees by the due date and on those students who have defaulted on agreed payment plans.

Where the debt is for non-tuition fees, or low level tuition fee debt the University will issue a warning allowing students to pay before imposing the following sanctions:

  • a late payment fee of £50,
  • a block on registering on a new course,
  • non-attendance at the graduation ceremony,
  • referral to a collection agency and possible legal action.

In addition, where the debt is for a high level of tuition fee debt, the following additional sanctions may be imposed:

  • a block on using University IT network and software including Solent Online Learning,
  • a block on progression on their course,
  • withdrawal from their course,
  • awards and certificates withheld.

For information on missed and late payments please refer to the student debtor policy.

If you are having trouble paying your tuition fees, please contact the income team to discuss your eligibility for a payment plan in the first instance:

Funding advice

If you require financial advice or are experiencing financial difficulty, please contact our student funding advice team.