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Clearing 2024 is now open

Student finance for UK students

The information on this page is for students living in England. Students residing in Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland should approach Student Finance Wales, the Student Awards Agency for Scotland or Student Finance NI for their student loans and grants.

Download the 2023/24 funding factsheet

Please note: Solent University does not currently administer advanced learner loans. Therefore, we cannot provide you with a learning and funding information letter, should you apply for a loan.

Tuition fee loan

Eligible students may take out a repayable tuition fee loan from Student Finance England to pay their tuition fees each year. The fees for a full-time degree course in 2022 will be £9,250. The loan is:

  • non-income assessed,
  • also suitable for undergraduate part-time and EU students,
  • paid directly to the University - not to you.

Your tuition fees may change slightly each year, so it is important that you put the correct amount on your finance application form. To find out what Solent University will charge, visit our tuition fees page.

Maintenance loan

You can apply for a maintenance loan to pay for living and course costs. It is split into three instalments over the academic year and paid into your bank account over three terms.

For students who began their studies after 2016 the maximum loan for living costs for 2022/23 will be up to £9,706 for students living away from home and studying outside London. For students living in the parental home during their studies the maximum will be up to £8,171.

The maximum household income level for 2016-2021 entrants in the 2021 academic year was £62,249, in order to receive a loan higher than the basic minimum loan (if studying outside London and living away from home during your studies). For students who are not means tested or whose household income is above the income threshold, their maximum entitlement will be around £4,500.

Please note: You do not have to take out the maintenance loan in order to get a tuition fee loan. However, if you are eligible for a maintenance loan, and you require financial support from the university, you may need to be in receipt of your maintenance loan before you can apply

Special Support Loan

The Special Support Loan (SSL) is for students with an underlying entitlement to benefits, ie, lone parents and/or students who claim a disability benefit.

The maximum loan for living costs for 2022/23 will be up to £11,064 for students who are eligible for benefits, who are living away from home and studying outside London. For students living in the parental home during their studies it will be up to £9,640

Please check with your funding provider that you are getting your correct loan amount. If you are unsure, please contact the Student Funding Team.

How do I apply?

If you live in England you can apply online through Student Finance England. Forms are usually updated and made available around February/March each year.

The application process is different if you’re a student from Scotland, Wales or Northern Ireland.

Find out more

If you're considering university and you don't have support from a family network (also known as being 'estranged'), you can find advice and information here.

How and when do I repay my loans?

Repayment will start from the April after you finish your course or have left university and are earning over:

  • £19,895 for pre-2012 entry students
  • £27,295 for post-2012 entry students

Please visit the GOV.UK site for more information.

Additional income

There are additional grants for students with dependants and/or who have disabilities:

Most full-time students cannot claim benefits. However, some students may be eligible (lone parents/disabled students) during term time and may be able to claim full benefits over the summer - please check with a student funding adviser for more information.