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Southampton Solent University logo


It’s important you’re living somewhere you feel comfortable in while you’re studying at Solent. Local students may choose to live at home during their time at the University, but all students can choose to live in either University residences or private accommodation.

If you haven’t organised your accommodation yet, take a look at the options below and get in contact with us.

Student residences

External shot of Deanery student accommodation

The four halls of residence are all located in the city centre. They provide around 1,021 single study-bedrooms with a mix of en-suite and non-en-suite university accommodation.

Get social

The residences have their own Facebook group. Once you've confirmed your accommodation offer, you'll be sent a link in the summer to the group.

Admin stuff

There are a few important 'admin' things you should sort out before you move in, like contents insurance, TV Licence and registering for Wi-Fi. Please contact the Accommodation Team if you have any queries.

Moving in

You've secured your accommodation, now what? Find out what's already in your room and tips on what to bring with you, plus what happens on moving in day.

Make it your own
We asked BA (Hons) Interior Design student, Lucy Taylor for her top tips for decorating your room. Here's what she says.

Read Lucy's top ten tips

Private accommodation

Some students prefer a bit more independence and choose not to live in halls, but rent in the private sector either in a flat or house with friends, or lodging with a resident landlord.

Find out about living in private sector accommodation


Unwanted clothes, shoes and textiles

If you have unwanted shoes, clothes or other textiles, try donating these to local charity shops. Alternatively, there are red British Heart Foundation textile banks at the student residences, or you can deposit these in the yellow textile bank at the Central Baptist Church on Devonshire Road.

Stay safe at home

Keeping your home secure

Don’t make your home a tempting target. Open windows and unlocked doors are an open invitation to burglars. Keep everything locked and leave keys out of sight. Stash your valuables where they can’t be seen from the window. And if you’ve bought an exciting new toy, don’t advertise it by leaving the box out by the bin. You can register your valuables at, so that if anything does happen, you’re more likely to be able to find them again.

Store your things over the holidays. Don’t leave your stuff in an unoccupied house over the holidays – take it home with you, or stash it at a local secure storage provider. Many of these offer student discounts, so shop around and find the best deal for you.

Need help?

If you’re unhappy or at all worried about your new home, call our accommodation team on 023 8201 5040, or send us an email for support and guidance.

Everybody loves good neighbours

If you're heading into town, on your way home from a night out, or planning a house party, keep the noise down. Other people in your neighbourhood may need to be up for work at 6am, or have small children who are sleeping. They will appreciate your consideration.

The student residences always have staff on site, and the Polygon is a designated quiet zone, so if your windows are shaking or you can’t hear your mates speak, it’s probably too loud.

And if it is too loud, you may get a visit from the council, or even the police. They have the power to hand out £80 on-the-spot fines and noise abatement notices. Excess noise could also mean you end up either: a) with all your audio equipment confiscated (including tablets, phones speakers and games consoles), or: b) in court. Not quite so rock and roll.

Southampton is an alcohol controlled area. This means that if you’re found with alcohol on the streets, Police and PCSOs will ask you to hand it over. Failure to do so is an offence, and you could be fined up to £500. Don’t risk it.