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Other governance

The Board of Governors and Solent University are overseen and advised by a number of committees. These committees are detailed below.

The Governance Committee

The Governance Committee reviews the University’s governing instruments on a regular basis, and considers the effectiveness of governance, including membership of the Board of Governors and its committees, and arrangements to select and recruit the Chairman and Vice-Chairman of the Board, the Clerk to the Governors, and the University Chancellor and Vice-Chancellor.

The committee’s full responsibilities are contained in the Governance Committee Terms of Reference.

The Audit Committee

The Audit Committee advises the Board of Governors on the appointment, fees and retention of both external and internal auditors. It considers and agrees an audit plan each year, and reviews both external and internal auditors’ recommendations regarding the University’s systems of internal control and management’s responses and implementation plans.

The Audit Committee also considers management and quality assurance of data submitted to HEFCE and the other funding bodies; receives and considers reports from HEFCE as they affect the University’s business; monitors compliance with regulatory requirements; and oversees policy, investigation and reporting on fraud, irregularity and serious incidents.

The committee’s full responsibilities are contained in the Audit Committee Terms of Reference.

2021/22 Audit Committee report to the Board of Governors

The Remuneration Committee

The Remuneration Committee determines the annual remuneration of the University's Vice-Chancellor and senior post-holders, the scheme for remuneration of staff on management contracts, and individual severance arrangements.

The committee’s full responsibilities are contained in the following documents:

Remuneration Committee Terms of Reference : Vice-Chancellor

Remuneration Committee Terms of Reference: Senior Post Holders, Vice-Chancellor's Group, Staff On Spot Salaries

Remuneration Committee Decision Making Framework

2021/22 Annual Remuneration Report

The Finance and Resources Committee

The Finance and Resources Committee reviews such strategic aspects of finance and resource management as are required for the fulfilment of the University’s Strategic Plan. These include: the recommendation to the Board of Governors of an annual budget, both revenue and capital; regular monitoring of management accounts and progress of the capital programme against approval.

The committee’s full responsibilities are contained in the Finance and Resources Committee Terms of Reference.

People and Culture Committee

The People and Culture Committee is responsible for the oversight and assurance of the University's people and culture strategy and consideration of equality, diversity, and inclusion (EDI), health and wellbeing, and people-related issues.

The Committee's full responsibilities are contained in the People and Culture Committee Terms of Reference.